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Tuesday, 15 November 2016


Zikir terapi di bawah telah dihantarkan oleh seorang teman kepada saya ke e mail Pengirimnya telah berkongsi dgn saya akan satu zikir terapi yang diajarkan oleh Prof Wan Maseri, seorang pengamal terapi Asmaul Husna. Marilah sama-sama kita malkan zikir terapi ini. Mohon dgn Allah bersungguh2, serulah namaNya. Insyaa Allah. Sesungguhnya keajaiban itu akan didatangkan olehNya dengan izinNya juga.


Ya Baari', aturkan lidah anakku agar dia lancar berkata2

Ya Alim Ya Hakim Ya Rashid, ajarkanlah anakku untuk bercakap

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Jami', alirkan kasih syg dlm jiwa kami agar kami dpt menyayanginya dan dia dpt bergaul dgn baik

Ya Aziz Ya Qowiy Ya Matin, kurniakan kekuatan dan keteguhan kpd jiwanya kerana dia kurang keyakinan diri

Ya Majid Ya Hamid, kurniakan dia budi pekerti mulia dan sifat terpuji

Ya Alim Ya Hakim Ya Rashid, kurniakan dia ilmu, kebijaksanaan, kepintaran dan kecerdasan otak, khususnya untuk menghayati kitabMu

Ya Sobur, Ya Nur, Ya Hadi, Ya Fatah, kurniakanku kesabaran dan jalan utk mendidik anak ini

Ya Razzaq, Ya Muqit murahkan rezeki anakku ini

Ya Qohhar, Ya Latif, Ya Malik, pulihkan selera makan dan lembutkanlah hatinya untuk merasai pelbagai jenis makanan dan minuman yang Ya Razzaq rezekikannya

Ya Syaafi, sembuhkanlah semua penyakit anakku dan peliharakanlah kesihatannya, supaya dia beribadat kepada MU

Ya Qohhar Ya Latif Ya Malik, tundukkan dia kpMu, lembutkan hatinya dan balik2kan hatinya utk mendengar nasihatku

Ya Latif Ya Halim, kurniakan anakku kelembutan dan kesantunan

Ya Salam Ya Fatah Ya Syaafi, sembuhkan neuron dan saraf di otaknya dan Ya Mu'id Ya Muhyi, pulihkan fungsi otaknya

Saturday, 17 September 2016


Iman is already 13 yr old this year. Life becomes harder for me as he's growing up, still with a series of tantrums everyday even though I had done many things for his treatment, therapies, going to see Ustaz,  I'm yet to say NO for all my efforts. Sometimes I noticed, my boy used to be more aggressive every time I came back from the Ustaz place. Something should be done as I think that it might be something mysterious about him, there must be something IN HIM? ....Read more

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

SURAT DARI SEORANG SAHABAT -menjawab segala kemusyikilan mengapa saya perlu mohon sumbangan

To: Norlaila Mat Tahir/TGANU/UiTM
From: Abdul Rahman Mohamad Gobil/NSEMB/UiTM
Date: 07/15/2016 07:00PM
Cc: UiTM Johor Users, UiTM Kelantan Allusers, UiTM Melaka Allusers, UiTM Pahang Users, UiTM Perlis Users, UiTM Sabah Users, UiTM Sarawak Users, Users Shah Alam
Subject: Pengalaman Saya Mempunyai Anak Autis

Saya Abdul Rahman Mohamad Gobil pensyarah UiTM Seremban 3. Saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman saya mempunyai anak mild Autism (Aspeger Syndrom). 

Semasa mula-mula menerima keputusan diagnostik dari Dr Pakar (Dr Ranjini di Unit Paedreatik HKL) pada tahun 2014. Ayat pertama yang beliau ucapkan kepada saya ialah (Saya terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Malaysia) . "En Rahman saya memohon maaf kerana terpaksa bertanya begini. Adakah Encik tidak menghadapi masalah untuk mengeluarkan belanja sekitar RM5000 sebulan Ahmad menjalani terapi Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)?" Tuan/puan bolah hubungi Dr Ranjini pakar psikologi kanak-kanak di HUKL.

Untuk pengetahuan tuan/puan Applied Behaviour Analysis merupakan salah keadah yang berkesan untuk anak-anak autism selain daripada kaedah-kaedah lain. kepada sesiapa yang tidak memahami terapi ini bukan boleh dibuat sehari seminggu. Sejam Rm250 x 5 hari x 4 minggu. Kalau sebulan ada 5 minggu maka kena bayar lebih lagi. Selain terapi ini ibubapa akan memberi terapi sendiri pada waktu lain yang memerlukan banyak masa dan tenaga.

Mendengar soalan tersebut saya terdiam sebentar walaupun isteri saya mungkin mampu membantu kerana dia banyak membantu saya dari segi kewangan selama ini tetapi jumlah tersebut amat tinggi. Bagaimana pula nanti dengan perbelanjaan ke universiti kerana anak-anak ini amat berpotensi di dalam bidang-bidang yg mereka minati. 

Saya bertanya kepada beliau ada kursus yang boleh saya hadir untuk belajar sendiri supaya saya boleh melakukannya sendiri. Yang paling hampir singapura tetapi kosnya jugak tinggi, Ada seminar yang dijadualkan di Kuala Lumpur (pada waktu itu) dengan kos Rm800.00  sehari. Saya minta izin daripada doktor Ranjini untuk berkongsi dengan ibu-bapa lain di facebook tetapi beliau melarang kerana takut ada yang terasa kerana tidak mampu mengikuti bengkel tersebut. Kerana beliau faham tekanan yang ibubapa hadapi memiliki anak-anak austis. 

Alternatif yang saya ada ialah untuk menghantar ke pusat rehabilatasi termurah (RM1300 sebulan utk program separuh hari) 30km dari kampus seremban. Dengan tol, petrol saya terpaksa menanunggu tambahan Rm1000 sebulan kerana saya terpaksa menghantar pagi dan mengambil tengahari. Akibat perjalanan jauh ini anak saya mula mengalami "tick" istilah yang hanya difahami kami. beliau mula memukul kepada dgn ibu jari hingga berdarah dan bermacam tabiat lain lagi seperti mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyi pelik sepanjang malam. Terus terang saya cakap ada kalanya saya tak hantar anak kerana budget utk bulan tersebut telah cukup kerana saya malu untuk meminta daripada isteri kerana beliau sudah banyak membantu dari segi kewangan.

Ini belum lagi kos makanan, ubat-ubatan (anak autis ini dietnya tidak sama dengan diet anak tipikal yang lain). 

Kos bukanlah satu-satunya cabaran yang kami hadapi. Tekanan emosi, tanggapan rakan sekerja dan sebagainya. Kalau tuan-puan bertanya kenapa suami atau isteri tak support. Tuan/puan, salah seorang mesti korbankan masa dan kerjaya untuk anak ini dan membolehkan seorang lagi berjaya bagi memastikan masa depan anak ini terjamin. Ini yang saya ambil kerana isteri saya masih muda dan bepotensi untuk maju dalam kerjaya.

Pernah pada satu ketika saya mengajar subjek baru. Saya boleh mengira saya cuma mampu tidur kurang 12 jam seminggu utk menelaah, menyiapkan tesis phd dan menguruskan anak ini. Jangan tanya kepada saya kenapa tak serahkan anak pada isteri bagi siapa yang tidak faham  anak ini akan memilih kepada siapa dia akan dekati dan percayai.

Saya bersyukur kerana rakan sekerja di seremban 3 amat menyokong saya.

Tuan/puan saya menulis email ini bukan untuk meminta belas dan bantuan tetapi saya harap kepada sesiapa yang memandang sinis kepada Puan Norlaila tidak sewenang-wenangnya memberi komen dan melemparkan fitnah kepada beliau. Beliau diuji dengan anaknya kita mungkin diuji dengan wang, pangkat dan kedudukan. 

Sekiranya tuan/puan tidak dapat memberi sumbangan wang kepada beliau, doa dan sokongan moral pun sudah cukup. saya percaya beliau amat memerlukan sokongan kita. Saya mendoakan semoga Puan Norlaila diberi kekuatan dan berjaya dalam pelajaran dan kerjaya.


Saya memohon maaf sekiranya e-mail ini menyinggung sesiapa. Saya sekadar berkongsi cerita dan pengalaman semoga tuan/puan memahami situasi Puan Norlaila.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


Pos ini saya sediakan setelah beberapa rakan meminta saya forward e mail yang pernah saya hantar kepada warga UiTM sedikit masa dahulu. Mereka nak tolong forward e mail saya ni melalui whatsapp masing-masing. Justeru saya attach  e mail berkenaan dalam pos terbaru saya ini khas bagi mereka yang ingin membantu saya untuk memanjangkan nya ke group whatsapp masing-masing, Anda yang ingin saya forward e mail ini kepada rakan e mail anda boleh memberitahu alamat e mail anda di blog saya atau text message/ SMS alamat e mail anda ke hp saya 01126451058 dan suami 0129628165. Pertolongan anda saya dahului dgn ucapan terima kasih. Hanya Allah jualah yang membalas jasa baik kalian. Sambil membaca e mail di bawah rasanya boleh dengarkan kisah Iman dengan klik pada ikon "Iman's Story on Air" tu.

Salam sejahtera buat semua,

Saya, Puan NORLAILA MAT TAHIR mempunyai 2 orang anak OKU penghidap Autism dan Hiperaktif berusia 13 dan 10 tahun. Abang (Muhammad Tajul Iman) merupakan severe Autism  dan adik (Muhammad Aidil Irfan) merupakan penghidap mild Autism. Blog kami

Tajul Iman terpaksa diberikan ubat penenang (Retailin dan Risperidone) sejak 4 tahun dahulu bagi mengawal masalah tingkahlaku dan keaktifannya, namun sehingga kini masalah tingkahlaku beliau masih belum dpt diatasi sepenuhnya. Beliau masih sentiasa bermain air liurnya hingga bau hanyir tubuh dan pakaiannya sudah jadi biasa buat kami semua di rumah. Beliau masih suka mengoyakkan baju dan seluarnya, cadar katil, sofa serta merosakkan peralatan elektrik di rumah. Ini semua adalah contoh maslah tingkahlaku yang perlu diatasi dengan kadar segera.

Keadaan hidup kami sekeluarga juga makin mencabar dengan fenomena windscreen kereta dan sliding door pecah selang 3-4 bulan, skrin Telivisyen diketuk sehingga hilang gambar sehingga kami terpaksa akur dengan kejadian kerosakan TV 2-3 kali setahun. Mesin basuh kami baru sahaja dirosakkan oleh Tajul Iman pada minggu pertama Ramadhan. Semua ini sedikit sebanyak mengganggu kesihatan emosi dan komitmen saya sebagai wanita bekerja dan pada masa yang sama sedang meneruskan pengajian di peringkat Phd.

Anak ini juga jarang tidur malam. Kalau dia tidur pun, paling awal jam 4 pg setiap hari. Ini menjejaskan kesihatan saya sebagai seorang ibu berusia 45 tahun. Justeru Doktor Pakar menasihatkan saya agar anak ini menjalani terapi tingkahlaku sekerap mungkin krn dikhuatiri keadaanya akan bertambah serius jika ubahsuai tingkahlaku (Behavior Modification) tidak dilakukan dgn konsisten. Dengan adanya terapi yang konsisten, dengan izin Allah mungkin masalah tingkahlakunya akan dapat ditangani dengan baik dan saya sebagai penjaga pun akan dapat mengatasi masalah stress dan boleh mencapai kesimbangan antara kerjaya dan rumahtangga di samping dapat menamatkan pengajian di peringkat Phd yang sudah berlarutan selama hampir 10 tahun.

Seorang lagi anak saya, Irfan yang berusia 10 tahun pula tidak separah abangnya dari segi tingkahlaku, dia tidak mengamuk atau tantrum, namun sehingga sekarang dia masih belum faham bahawa dia harus mencuci punggungnya apabila selesai ke tandas. Justeru pihak saya memerlukan kos terapi yang agak besar untuk kedua2 anak ini kerana kedua2nya masih belum mampu menguruskan diri. Irfan masih belum kenal ABCD hingga sekarang ini, apa lagi mengira dan membaca. Justeru sumbangan kalian mungkin dapat memberikan peluang kpd anak2 ini utk mendapatkan pendidikan khas berkonsepkan “home tuition” yang ditawarkan oleh guru2 pendidikan khas.

Ini ujian buat saya bilamana anak ini dikenalpasti menghidap Autism parah selepas 2 bulan saya mendaftar sebagai calon Phd di UKM Bangi lama dahulu. Perjalanan Phd saya amat sukar, selepas beberapa kejadian termasuklah yang terbesar dimana kesemua borang soalselidik,  alat radas serta laptop saya musnah dalam kebakaran selepas saya selesai mengumpul data pada November 2007. Pengumpulan data semula hanya berjaya ditamatkan pada Mac 2009.  Walau bagaimanapun ujian yang bertimpa-timpa yg saya lalui banyak mengganggu kelicinan proses pengajian sehinggalah saya akur dgn penulisan tesis yang terbengkalai dan data yang telah obsolete kerana masih gagal menamatkan penulisan sehingga sekarang. Namun saya masih belum berputus asa dan masih ingin meneruskan pengajian walau dengan apa cara pun. Alang2 saya akan dikehendaki membayar balik ke UiTM dgn jumlah yg agak besar juga, saya akan teruskan semampu boleh. Saya yakin ada hikmah di sebalik semua ujian ini.

Saya terdorong memohon sumbangan ini kerana mendapati keadaan kesihatan anak saya Tajul Iman yang semakin merosot kebelakangan ini. Dia kerap mencakar mukanya hingga berdarah. Saya amat bimbang akan nasibnya setelah ketiadaan saya nanti. Siang tadi saya terserempak dengan seorang lelaki muda yang berjalan tidak berselipar di atas jalanraya. Menitis airmata memikirkan, apakah nasib Tajul Iman akan sebegini jika saya gagl memberikan pendidikan dan terapi sebaik mungkin buatnya sekarang ini pada usianya 13 tahun?

Tujuan saya memohon sumbangan ialah untuk  memastikan anak saya dapat menjalani terapi ubahsuai tingkahlakunya secara konsisten. Ini kerana saya merasakan agak kurang mampu membiayai yuran terapi yang agak mahal (minima RM100 per sesi selama sejam)

Saya terdorong mengirimkan e mail ini kpd anda semua yang mungkin berpotensi memanjangkan e mail ini melalui facebook, Instangram mahupun whatsapp anda semua yang mugkin akan membantu saya menjalani ujian mencabar ini dan memberikan harapan besar untuk kemandirian hidup anak saya Tajul Iman setelah ketiadaan saya dan suami nanti. Saya ada membaca blog tertentu dari luar negara dan dilaman facebook, ada insan2 berhati mulia di luar sana yang sanggup membiayai terapi ubahsuai tingkahlaku anak saya dengan memberikan sumbangan secara bulanan.

Kadar terendah bagi terapi ubahsuai tingkahlaku yg saya temui di Dungun adalah agak tinggi. Paling murah utk Behaivoral Modification Therapy utk anak Autism ialah RM100 sejam. Terapi yang saya dapatkan di Hospital Dungun sebanyak sebulan sekali di Unit Rawatan Fisioterapi rasanya tidak memberikan kesan yang signifikan terhadap masalah tingkahlaku anak ini. Terapi tingkahlaku yang lebih kerap saya harapkan dapat membantu anak ini untuk mengawal tngkahlakunya.

Bersama e mail ini saya sertakan name card yang saya design bagi memohon sumbangan bagi saya menangani masalah tingkahlaku anak istimewa penghidap Autism parah saya iaitu Muhammad Tajul Iman. Saya tidak menyalahkan anak ini sebagai faktor kegagalan saya dalam meneruskan pengajian dan berkerjaya, namun keadaan kesihatannya yang agak meruncing boleh mempengaruhi kelicinan proses pengajian dan pekerjaan saya.

Minta kawan2 mendoakan kesihatan, kesejahteraan dan kesabaran saya dalam melalui ujian ini. Sumbangan anda semua, hanya Allah jualah yang akan mampu membalasnya.

Sekian Terima kasih.

Friday, 5 August 2016


Iman is already 13 yr old this year. Life becomes harder for me as he's growing up, still with a series of tantrums everyday even though I had done many things for his treatment, therapies, going to see Ustaz,  I'm yet to say NO for all my efforts. Sometimes I noticed, my boy used to be more aggressive every time I came back from the Ustaz place. Something should be done as I think that it might be something mysterious about him, there must be something IN HIM?  I mean in his body that makes his condition worse every time I saw an Ustaz.

It was one day when I drove my car, on way way back from Irfan's school, I saw a man on the road, walking around without shoes. I cried. I was thinking what will happen to Tajul  Iman when  I am no more in the world? Tears running down my cheek. That was during Ramadhan this year, 2016. A week after that the God send me help by sending an Occupational Therapist right in front of me when I brought my three sons, playing at the playground. She said that she is a Freelance Therapist, doing Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. Alhamdulillah, this girl is doing both. I speak my mind! But unfortunately, she said that her rate is RM100 per hour. 

I was happy to see the Occupational Therapist but at the sane time I was upset as I can't make it with my financial constraints, especially after my 6 months half paid leave, also my hubby for his 4 months half paid leave. We had to apply for our 10 months  half paid leave years back in 2012 when Tajul Iman was drastically terminated from Autism Lab UKM.. We suffer a lot since that day, as we are still having our financial problem until now. To cover all our financial commitment during that 10 months period. I remembered my hubby was in Tawau that time, and he had to apply his 4 months leave first as that time, I faced problem to find somebody to take care of Tajul Iman when I had to travel all the way from Bangi to Shah Alam everyday.

There was also no single institution to accept my boy for his daycare. There was no qualified maid either. A maid with patience and empathy to take care of my boy during my working hours. The last one was terminated after my daunting experience with her. I witnessed her abusing Tajul Iman in the bathroom when I came back with a cab one day. That was when my car broke down in Putrajaya. 

Considering about my son's condition right now, I said to myself. "There must be NO FURTHER DELAY!" . He's already 13 and I'm growing older. What if time comes and I got to see my God?So coming back to my house after I saw the Occupational Therapist, I straight away I got my laptop on my table and started to design a name card for me. This time, it is purposely for Tajul Iman. His funds for his therapy. I pray to the God, Oh God, please give me one way out of this problem. I got to treat my son's behavioral problem with a consistent and frequent therapy. Not later but NOW. ASAP. Before I GO!

My first attempt was to send a mesage via Lotus Note to all my friends at UiTM Dungun. I posted my e mail on the third week of Ramadhan. Taking into account for those who want to benefit the month of Ramadhan for their devotions to the God via "SEDEKAH JARIAH". At first I thought it was a mistake. Is it going to be embarassing? I'm a lecturer? Why do I need to ask for money??? I asked myself again nand again. AM I doing the right thing? But as a  Mom's instinct and efforts,  I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR MY BOY regardless on what people say. Are they contributing anything for all the damages my boy had made, to my car windscreen? To my TV, refrigerator, washing machine? and when my boy was critically injured himself in the midst of the night? Do they willing to help me? I was the one who drove my car with my hubby to the emergency room! 

I had both positive and negative feedback, after I sent the e mail. Ahamdulillah, they are mostly positive feedback. Sadly to say. among all those positive feedback, I counter a few people sending me some text messages:

1. advising me not to bee too desperate until I might make used of my own boy for people's sympathy, to get rid of my financial constraints
2. somebody text to me asking about my total household income
3. the Kebajikan Staf people called me and said that they will help me to support Tajul Iman's therapy. She said, I don't have to send that kind of e mail as if there's no help from my own organization. 
4. Some negative feedback via text messages from unknown numbers. I just delete all of them. I forgive them for all their statements. Only God knows THE HEART OF A MOM!

During Raya Festival I came to see my friend who is working at UiTM Perlis. She suggested to me that I should forward my e mail to all UiTM branches as to her, there's nothing wrong. It's just an  e  mail from a mom, who really concern about her special son! So on 17th of July I forwarded my e mail to other branches.

 I knew that my boss is not happy with what I'm doing but as far as I'm concern, the "kebajikan staff" department will just help me in terms of issuing "Borang Sara Ubat" and that might be subject to the available budget from UiTM. As we know Malaysian Government is now having a financial crisis. I'm just doing my own effort so that I won't have to rely solely on my employers.

My focus now is to treat Tajul Iman as much as I can. Of course, they will support me in terms of  Iman's Therapy but not for Irfan which I consider him not serious as compared to Tajul Iman, but I can't just leave him that way. Irfan must also go for his own therapy and home tuition for special kids and I don't think my organization will be able to cater both two boys in terms of their educational needs. Irfan is already 10 yr old but STILL CAN'T READ and MANAGE himself! Attached is my name card for those who want to contribute for my son's therapy. His BSN account number 0511529000111162 (MUHAMMAD TAJUL IMAN B. TAJULDDIN) My Bank Islam acc 12029020643689 (NORLAILA MAT TAHIR) and my hubby's Maybank acc 163019388893 (TAJULDDIN MUHAMMAD)

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Ramadhan bersama Muhammad Tajul Iman,

Ramadhan bersama Muhammad Tajul Iman,

Tanggal 15 Jun 2016 genap umur mu 13 tahun..ketika ini kanak-kanak lain boleh dianggap sudah menempuh alam remaja..Namun hakikatnya dirimu tidak seperti mereka. Jika ibu bapa lain mungkin begitu berbangga dengan pencapaian 5A dalam UPSR anak masing-masing tapi tidak bagi dirimu.. Muhammad Tajul Iman (Iman), tika ini kau masih belum mampu bertutur. Yang engkau tahu ialah menjerit, menangis, meronta apabila kehendak mu tidak dituruti atau mereka di sekeliling mu tidak mengerti apa kehendak mu sebenarnya.

Pada umur 13 tahun, Iman masih tak mampu mengawal kencingnya, melepaskan kencingnya  sesuka hati. Dia masih tidak tahu menyayangi harta benda dan merosakkan barangan rumah seperti mesin basuh, peti ais, televisyen sesuka hatinya. Ini semua perlu dihadapi oleh seisi keluarga. Ini semua ujian Allah SWT yang harus kami hadapi dengan Redha.

Masyarakat luar mungkin belum mengerti apa itu “Autism & ADHD”. Rupa parasnya tidak menampakkan adanya kekurangan berbanding insan lain tetapi hakikatnya kau mempunyai dunia tersendiri yang sukar untuk insan lain mengerti. Justeru kami zahirkan blog bagi mendidik masyarakat akan apakah Autism dan apakah bentuk cabaran kami sebagai ibu bapa anak2 istimewa ini.

Berkatilah rezeki dan manfaatkan pahala sedekah sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini dengan menyumbangkan sedekah anda buat terapi dan pendidikan khas anak OKU kami. Ini bagi membantu menangani masalah tingkahlaku anak kami melalui terapi ubahsuai tinglahlakunya, agar hidup beliau lebih terjamin pd masa hadapan. 

Sumbangan kewangan boleh disalurkan ke akaun Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) 0511529000111162 atau hubungi ibu Iman-Pn laila 011-2645 1058

“ Kami mengalu-alukan sebarang bantuan dan sekurang-kurangnya share to friends”
Iman hurts himself

A common criteria for ADHD children is to hurt themselves, just to seek for attention!!. This week Iman starts his new behavior by scratching his face until blood comes out. His keeps on doing this again and again.

Challenges in ADHD children's behavior

I's just a snippet, never become my intention to grumble on this special gift from the God. But this is to show the facts on my son's behavioral problems involving all the mess and difficulties in our daily lives. We need some courage in coping up with his behaviors, everyday in our journey with him. With all our feelings of sadness, anger and frustrations. These photos of our car and house tells you everything...

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Iman's appointment with the children psychologist

18th May 2016 - This is the latest appointment with Dr Adib, a Psychiatric Doctor from Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah Kuala Terengganu. Thanks God. After 2 years coming back to Dungun, I managed to see a children psychologist once a month for my boy. Iman is on his medication now, Risperidone 1.0 ml morning and night. Also retialin one tablet everyday. To control his behavioral problem.

      My thanks to HSNZ for the initiative to have a specialist to come over to Dungun once a moth on Wednesdays. Also Iman is now attending to his Occupational Therapy, also once a month in Hospital Dungun. Hope to get some fund from people out there as my boy need more frequent therapy. He actually need a HOME THERAPY. Having a once a month therapy at the Physiotherapy Uni at  Hospital Dungun so far does not give some progress on his behavioral control. But anyway thanks to all the teachers at that department. They had given their best effort for my boy's therapy.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Repetitive Behaviour

Again!!! Iman hurts himself 

A common criteria for ADHD children is to hurt themselves, just to seek for attention!!. This week Iman starts his new behavior by scratching his face until blood comes out. His keeps on doing this again and again.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Autism and Theory of Mind

By: Emily Rastall PhD

We often hear or read that those with autism lack “Theory of Mind” (ToM). What exactly does this mean? For the answer we went to our own Dr. Emily Rastall. Here’s what she told us.

Theory of Mind (ToM) is defined as an understanding that others have minds that are different from our own. More specifically, it is the understanding that others have thoughts, feelings and perspectives that differ from ours. In short, ToM allows us to understand and predict the behaviors of others based on what we think they might be thinking. For example, though we may not be feeling sad ourselves, we can imagine another’s perspective and empathize with someone who might be having a hard day...Read More....

The classic Theory of Mind task (called the Sally-Anne task) exemplifies this understanding that others have minds that are different from our own. In the task a child must determine what another’s response would be based on false belief. In the task, the child observes two models (Sally and Anne). One of the models (Sally) places an object in a hiding spot and then leaves. The second model (Anne) moves the object to a new hiding spot.

When Sally returns, the child must indicate where she (Sally) will look for the object. In order to respond correctly, the child must be aware that Sally did not see the object being moved and therefore has the false belief that the object is where she originally placed it. Researchers have shown that prior to four years of age, children’s responses are inconsistent, with some children showing this ability while others do not. However, between the ages of 4 and 6 years, this ability emerges and becomes consistent in typically-developing children. This “mentalizing” ability appears to be impaired in individuals with autism.

Within the context of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), deficits in ToM may be at the core of many of the behaviors associated with the disorder. For example, ToM limitations may lead to misreading or failure to read emotions, intentions, or cues from others. In addition, ToM challenges may lead to limited expression of empathy toward others. ToM deficits may also result in one approaching a social situation with assumptions that may not be accurate. Finally, reciprocity (the give-and-take, mutual benefit of a relationship) may be impacted, as a result of having challenges picking up on cues from the social environment.

ToM may help parents and others to understand the often perplexing behavior of children with ASD such as:

  • ·     Inappropriate reaction to the emotional expression of others (i.e.: laughing or not “getting it” when someone is angry or sad)
  • ·         Difficulty understanding that their behavior has an effect on others
  • ·         Assuming that what they think and feel is what others think and feel
  • ·    Difficulty with taking turns in a conversation and asking questions about the other person or allowing him or her to share what their interests are
  • ·         Difficulty understanding characters in a book or movie or engaging in pretend play
  •      As such, it’s important for family members to remember that these perplexing behaviors are not willful or intentional, but the downstream effect of challenges with TOM

Friday, 4 March 2016

Iman’s Therapy (February 23rd 2016)

Today Tajul Iman is given an opportunity by his teachers to enjoy the horse riding. They said it’s a good therapy for a hyperactive student like him. So today the whole team of special education children and teachers of  Sekolah Menengah Sura, Dungun is spending their time at Terengganu Equestarian Resort in Kuala Terengganu. Iman became the first rider this morning. Surprisingly he enjoys riding very much even though he refused to get onto the horse initially. After enjoying the horse riding therapy, I bring all my three boys to the swimming pool. Iman can swim and he really enjoys swimming very much.  


Time is going so fast since my boy was diagnosed in 2005. That time he was just 2 years old. This year 2016, my son Iman is growing up to a handsome 13 year old boy, fair skin, with the same hair style. I keep it like that because he likes to cut his own hair. So keeping it to the shortest cut will help me to cope with his behavior. My life become more challenging now. Not just me but each and every one of  us in the family. My husband is still our best mentor. Thanks God for bringing such a good “Teacher” to our family. He’s still keeping up with his “istiqomah” in patience and “Redha”.  Telling us everyday, that God knows what’s the BEST for us. Thus he send Tajul Iman  and his youngest brother Muhammad Aidil Irfan (mild Autism) to our family. Two special boys are there for us, our “Ladang Pahala”.

Not just me and my family, Tajul Iman had become another challenge to his new teachers in school, Sek Men Kebangsaan Sura, Dungun. A two kilometers secondary school from our house. It is so convenient to me, as compared to his previous primary school which is located 20 kilometers away from home.
It took him around a month for my son to fine tune with his new school environment. With the friends and teachers around him. My son is still with his tantrums in school. He pass his urine deliberately to seek for the teachers’ attention. I got to explain to the teachers about Autism and ADHD and convinced them that Tajul Iman’s behavioral problem can be control by giving him some activities he likes very much like cooking and gardening. This is because some of the teachers are not used to his behavioral problem. Autism and ADHD is such a difference with other learning disability students in school. They have some students with Down Syndrome, hearing problems and other kind of disability, still, dealing with my severe Autism and ADHD boy might be such a big challenge to them. I play my part. As a mom, I tried to reduced their “burden” and challenge by just sending him 2 to 3 times a week to school. I hired a daily maid, Kak Mah, a tough and kind hearted woman from Che Lijah, to take care of him. So far so good, she still can cope with my boy’s behavioral problem after a year with us.

To cope with his behavior, on passing urine deliberately in school, I put on ladies pad instead of adults diapers. I found him not tolerable with the adult’s diapers, maybe because the size is bigger. He shows his dismay by tearing the adult’s diapers once I put it on! The teacher complaints that he disturbs the Teaching and Learning process in school when they got to bring him to the toilet so often!  He passes his urine to show his protest to some of the teacher’s instructions or to seek for the teacher’s attention.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Iman as autistic boy enjoy swimming very much. Unfortunately when we came back to Dungun there is no place to Iman swim. We hope Iman can swim again is like before and many facilities will be for autism child. Thank for kindness especially to MaiA teacher in UKM.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


People had been talking about autism awareness among the public. To me it’s such a great challenge to create awareness among the bigger group of people when there is still lack of awareness among the smaller group : the family members of Autistic children. Tajul Iman is celebrating his 13 years old birthday this coming June: 15/6/2016. Until now I do have problems dealing with my family members, even with my own siblings.

I remembered my friend Sufian said, when Muhammad (his Autistic son) was young, he used to give a cash reward to Muhammad’s cousins, for them to play with him. To the extend, but he claimed  ”ÏT WORKS THAT WAY”. For Tajul Iman, I haven’t implement the same strategy. I might have to consider doing it someday. Like this week, we’re here in Negeri Sembilan, my home town. My niece and nephew called me a few times when I was in Dungun, insisting for me to come back to NS during the school holiday. But when we’re already here, things even get worst when I found difficulties in handling those kids when they often tried to hurt my son. Iman used to tease other kids, playing with their hair (for his sensory problem), destroying their toys, etc. They expressed their anger by punching him, kicking him and do things that might hurt my son. Worries me a lot, that I got to monitor my boy almost all the time!

I know and understand that they’re still small kids, we adults got to educate them, but it really hurts me a lot when my own sister used to be so suspicious about my son, on his interaction with his own cousins. My sister always tried to make a distance between her kids and Tajul Iman. Yesterday she didn’t turn up to work as my family is still here at my mom’s place. Being so protective to her own kids.  

This might be a trivial matter to those people outside there, but to me, it really hurts me a lot when I still can’t make the family members able to adapt with our family, with our two autistic children. Irfan is doing ok since he is still a mild Autism, but Tajul Iman, my severe one seems to create such a chaotic life to other people around him.

Every single day when we’re here, is such a great challenge for me to make every family members to cope well with Tajul  Iman.  Yesterday my dad was so angry and he spanked my boy for pulling out the door locked. Also when Tajul Iman kicked his door until it was broken. Three days in my hometown and my son had make every people’s life crazy!!!! Enough enough enough, I got to back to Dungun ASAP.